Thursday 1 November 2012

How To Get Fast Dog Training Results

Want to know the fastest way to start getting dog obedience result?

Actually, it’s the very same secret you need to know to have a successful relationship with your spouse, your kids, your parents and your friends.

Have I got your attention?

Are you wondering:  What one thing could it be?  What one “element” could possibly be so powerful that it can completely change my relationship with my dog, my spouse, my children, and my parents and friends?

Aretha Franklin knew the answer: R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

Without respect, you can’t even begin to expect that your dog will listen to you, anywhere you go.
Forget about fancy techniques and tricks to get your dog to obey.

Without respect, your dog will do none of it.  (And the same for your spouse, you kids, etc…)

Respect is something that you cannot simply “ask” for.  It must be demanded.  It is an invisible aspect that other animals (including humans) immediately sense.  However, when dealing with other animals that have a tendency to be more dominant, sometimes they will test you to see if you really deserve the R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
But let’s stick with dogs for now.  So, how do dogs do this?
There are literally hundreds of ways:
  • Reading your body language and how you carry yourself.
  • By seeing if you give a command once, and then make your dog do it
    immediately, if they don’t instantly respond.
  • By correcting disrespectful and rude behavior when it happens…
    and not rewarding it, ignoring it, or letting it fester.
  • By being the one who goes first, and is the first to reach for
    the prize.  Remember: the lead dog always gets the best of
    everything.  As a good leader, he may choose to share it with his
    pack, but he is always the one who makes that decision.  If another
    dog sees him not being the decision maker, then the other dogs will
    lose its respect.
  • Etc., etc, etc…


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