Sunday 21 October 2012

Training the Guide Dog team

Step 3: Training the Guide Dog team

Dogs that successfully complete our rigorous training program are matched with a potential client. We make sure that the dog is well-suited to the client's specific lifestyle and travel needs.

For example, Beth White does the morning school run with her three children, runs her own massage therapy practice and loves to water ski in her spare time. Beth is also blind. But Beth doesn't let her disability dictate her choices, and she needed a confident, active guide dog to keep up with her busy life.

Beth's guide dog Teena is all this and more. Teena is a formidable guide and adapts to whatever situation is demanded of her, from guiding Beth to and from school with the children, the shops, Beth's college where she studied to become a massage therapist, swimming lessons and everything in between.

After Beth was matched with Teena, they trained together with the help of an Orientation and Mobility Instructor from Guide Dogs. Over four weeks, the instructor taught the new team how to travel together - both around Beth's home, her local community and further afield. Key to this training is Beth learning the right commands for Teena and the pair orienting themselves in Beth's environment. But it's not all about travel, with Beth also responsible for all aspects of caring for Teena, including diet, grooming and health checks.

As with Beth and Teena, training programs are provided free of charge and tailored to the needs of each person. Guide Dogs provides ongoing support and training, such as when a person is faced with new areas of travel, By maintaining this high standard of service, we ensure each person lives as independently as possible.


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