Thursday 18 October 2012

How To Choose A Dog Breed

Dog Breed PicturesSo you're ready to bring a new family member into your household - you've decided to get a dog. You understand what is required to become a responsible dog owner - and are prepared to do it.

You're now in the process of choosing a dog breed that will suit your lifestyle, personality and requirements. This is an important long term decision for you and anyone you live with. It pays to put in some research to ensure you reach the right decision.

When you visualize the type of dog you picture yourself living with for the next 15 years the dog's breed is just one of the many factors you need to consider. It is a vital piece of the puzzle but merely because you pick out a breed with some qualities you desire does not automatically mean you will end up with your "perfect dog". What it does mean is that you will probably discover a breed of dog which is compatible to you and has the potential to be everything you had hoped for.

The other just as crucial ingredients (along with the dog's breed) that combine to determine what type of dog you will share your life with are:
  • Where you purchase your dog from - always buy from a conscientious and reputable dog breeder if possible.
  • Which puppy you choose out of the litter.
  • The puppy socialization your dog's breeder and then you give to the dog.
  • The Obedience Training you provide - this includes things like household etiquette, leash training and the basic obedience commands like sit, stay, come, down etc...
The above ingredients all come together to determine the health, well-being, character and behavior habits of your dog.

When choosing a dog breed it's a good idea to talk with people who have first hand experience with the breed you are interested in. Your local veterinarian, dog breeders and obedience trainers are a valuable source of information. Also if you visit any dog shows you can talk with the owners of just about any breed - this will make the picture clearer for you.

Right here on this page you can continue your dog breed research by taking the dog breed recommender test and browsing through the extensive list of dog breeds



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