Sunday 21 October 2012

Guide Dog Training

Step 1: Puppy raising

New puppies arrive at the Guide Dogs Centre at the age of approximately eight weeks.

We work with purebred Labradors, Golden Retrievers and Labrador/Golden Retriever crosses. These breeds are calm, loyal and intelligent, and have a proven track record as Guide Dogs. They also come in all shapes and sizes - just like the people who use our services!

Our veterinarian checks that the new recruits are confident, responsive and healthy - the qualities of a successful Guide Dog. The pups are then placed with families that have been specially selected by Guide Dogs staff. We call them "puppy raisers". (You can learn more about becoming a puppy raiser here.)

Over the next 12 months, these families will provide the pups with basic social skills, obedience and lots of fun! The pups will visit places they'll later encounter as Guide Dogs, and experience all the sights, sounds and - most importantly for any dog - smells of the outside world.

The dogs are visited regularly by our Puppy Raising Officers, who monitor their development and take them on training walks on their local area. In addition, the pups spend time at the Guide Dogs Centre - to help them become familiar with their next home.


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